Use These ChatGPT Prompt To Write Killer SEO Content

These are the prompts I use to write SEO content that ranks

ChatGPT: The (Worst Kept) Secret to Your SEO Success

Hello INDMND Innovators,

ChatGPT has grown faster than a teenager who just discovered protein shakes and weightlifting. It's expanding, evolving, and enhancing at a rate that would make even the Big Bang blush.

We all know that AI is taking over the world, one algorithm at a time. It's like a sci-fi movie without dramatic music and slow-motion running. So, we might as well embrace our new AI overlords and use them to write better marketing copy. After all, if you can't beat 'em, join 'em, right?

ChatGPT is, of course, not currently taking over the world, but it is getting really good at writing. Scary good. As long as you know how to use it.

So, if you’re not already, time to jump on the ChatGPT train.

But chances are, you’re already aboard, am I right?

However, here's the kicker: most people are using ChatGPT wrong. Or at least haven’t pushed its capabilities to the max.

It's like using a Ferrari to do grocery shopping - sure, it works, but it's not exactly what it was designed for. But fear not, dear reader, because, with the right prompts, you can turn this AI powerhouse into your personal marketing maestro.

ChatGPT Prompts You Can Use to Skyrocket Your SEO Rankings

So, without further ado, let's dive into the meat of this newsletter: the best ChatGPT prompts for SEO.

  1. Prompt: "Write a blog post about [Your Topic] focusing on the keywords [Your Keywords]." Use this when you want to create a blog post that is SEO-optimized. The AI will generate a blog post that naturally incorporates your keywords, making it more likely to rank in search engine results.

  2. Prompt: "Create a list of SEO-friendly headlines for a blog post about [Your Topic]." This is perfect for when you need catchy, SEO-optimized headlines for your blog posts. The AI will generate a list of headlines that attract clicks and help improve your search engine rankings.

  3. Prompt: "Write a meta description for a webpage about [Your Topic] using the keywords [Your Keywords]." Meta descriptions are crucial for SEO. This prompt will help you create a compelling and keyword-rich meta description to improve your web page's SEO.

  4. Prompt: "Generate SEO-friendly content for a product description of [Your Product]." If you're selling products online, this prompt is for you. It will generate a product description that is persuasive and optimized for search engines.

  5. Prompt: "Create a series of SEO-optimized tweets about [Your Topic]." Social media SEO is a thing, and this prompt will help you create tweets that can improve your visibility on search engines.

  6. Prompt: "Write an SEO-optimized introduction for a blog post about [Your Topic]." This prompt is perfect when you're struggling with how to start your blog post. The AI will generate an engaging, SEO-friendly introduction that hooks your readers and pleases search engines.

  7. Prompt: "Generate a list of SEO-friendly subheadings for a blog post about [Your Topic]." Subheadings are crucial for readability and SEO. Use this prompt to create a list of subheadings to help structure your content and improve your SEO.

  8. Prompt: "Create an SEO-optimized summary for a long-form article about [Your Topic]." Summaries are not only useful for your readers but also for search engines. This prompt will help you create a concise, keyword-rich summary for your long-form content.

  9. Prompt: "Write a series of SEO-friendly alt texts for images in a blog post about [Your Topic]." Alt texts are often overlooked in SEO. Use this prompt to generate descriptive and SEO-friendly alt texts for your images.

  10. Prompt: "Generate a list of potential SEO-friendly blog post topics about [Your Topic]." Struggling with what to write about? This prompt will give you a list of potential blog post topics that will likely perform well in terms of SEO.

  11. Get facts to Cite. Prompt: "Provide a list of statistics with reference links for a webpage on [topic]" Facts, quotes, and statistics are all great ways to show topical authority in your content. You can use the following prompt to give statistics you can cite in your article.

  12. Create an XML sitemap: Create a valid XML sitemap that includes the following URLs… You can also create an XML sitemap via ChatGPT by mentioning the URLs for the sitemap.

  13. Bonus Prompt: I use this one all the time. First, I use some of the above prompts to write my article with all the proper information and (hopefully) all your keywords (you can also get all your sub-keywords from SurferSEO or Neuron). Ask ChatGPT to rewrite sections of your blog with SEO keywords. Prompt: “Rewrite the following paragraph. Insert as many of the keywords I give you into the new paragraph as naturally as possible. Here is the paragraph to rewrite: [paste paragraph] Here are the keywords to insert: [paste keywords]

Try these prompts out next time you write SEO copy. In fact, copy and paste them in. It may take a bit to get used to, but it’s like working a muscle: the more you do it, the stronger it gets.

Remember, the more detail you give the prompt, the better your final product will be. Keep iterating until you get it right.

The key to using ChatGPT effectively for SEO is to be specific with your prompts. The more details you provide, the better the output will be. So, give these prompts a whirl, and watch your SEO soar!

Until next time, keep innovating!

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See you next week, and keep striving to become an SEOpreneur!

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