My Guest Post Secrets Cont.

The exact process to creating the perfect guest post

G’day, fellow SEOpreneurs!

Hope y’all had a productive week and a restful (and fun!) weekend.

Last newsletter, we went over guest posting and how to create emails that will get you some backlinks for your site so you can grow and make some cash money. Hopefully, some of you have gotten some replies already. If not, keep writing. Websites need blogs to stay relevant.

And, as promised, here are some tips and tricks for creating guest blog posts once you’ve been accepted.

So You Got a Reply To Write A Guest Post…

Good for you!

You’ve done the hard part (well, sort of, lol).

You probably got a response like the following:

Next, you have to do a content gap analysis to find a topic that fits the company’s niche and that they haven’t written yet.

Here’s how you do a content gap analysis in Ahrefs to find three good ideas to present for your guest post backlink.

First of all, Ahrefs has a lower-tier version with everything that Ahrefs offers… except the content gap analysis feature. And guess what is really useful for finding content gaps in other websites…

So you might want to suck it up and pay the extra dough for the content gap analysis feature (don’t you hate it when they know what you need and you have to pay for it!).

  1. Put in the name of the website you want to get onto into Site Explorer

  2. Scroll down and click Competing Domains

  3. Control-click on the top three so that the domains pop out to new pages.

  1. Click Content Gap and copy-paste those three websites (you can do more if you want) into the fields and click Show Keywords

  2. You now have a list of the keywords the site you want to write for doesn’t rank for. but their competitors do.

  1. Now you can make some blog title ideas (remember to keep their niche in mind - you can’t write a blog about something they don’t do because they will want to link their own content too).

  2. After you have your titles, go onto the site you want to write for and search to see if they have blogs about your title/topic (there’s nothing worse than getting an email back saying, “Yeah, we already have a blog about that”)

  3. Once you’re confident about your three topics, send ‘em in. You will then get an email that looks something like this:

Make sure you follow their instructions TO THE LETTER.

Some websites let you add one or two links, and some don’t let you add links but instead let you put a link in your bio (a little blurb about the author). Some websites are easy to write for, and some have tons of rules and will make you rewrite them until it’s right.

The way she goes.

There’s also no way to know when your article will get published. I have waited months for articles to be published because the site only publishes one a week, and they have a backlog. Again, frustrating, but the way she goes.

Once you do this 50 or 60 times, your DR will go up, and Google will recognize your site as having authority. Then the possibilities to start making money are much easier to come by. Suddenly people want to be on your website rather than you wanting to be on theirs…

Lines going up = opportunity and money.

I hope you found today’s newsletter informative and helpful. Stay tuned next week for more tips and tricks on how to succeed in the world of SEO.

At, we’re striving to bring you any and all information that will help you level up your SEO.

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See you next week, and keep striving to become an SEOpreneur!