ChatGPT isn't taking over SEO - It's enhancing it

here's how

How to Harness the Power of ChatGPT To Make SEO Simpler, Easier, Faster, and More Effective


Hope you’re all having an amazing Sunday!

Today, we will unveil the secrets of how to effectively harness the power of ChatGPT, an AI model OpenAI developed for SEO purposes.

With the ever-increasing competition in the digital space, optimizing your content for search engines is not just a nice-to-have; it's a must-have. Integrating AI into your SEO strategy lets you stay ahead of the curve and ensure your content doesn't get lost in the digital ocean.

The common pitfall is underestimating the potential of AI in SEO and not understanding how to use it properly. Many people use AI tools passively, without engaging with the content it generates or refining it to meet their specific needs.

ChatGPT can revolutionize your SEO game, providing you with unique keyword suggestions, content ideas, and more. However, it's not a magic bullet; the key to success is using it as a tool to supplement, not replace, your SEO strategy.

By the end of this newsletter, you will learn how to:

  • Leverage ChatGPT for keyword suggestions

  • Create SEO-focused content with ChatGPT

  • Build a keyword list centred around search intent

  • Generate compelling meta titles and descriptions

  • Create FAQs using ChatGPT

The Top 5 Ways to Use ChatGPT for SEO

ChatGPT is free, powerful, and easy to use once you get the hang of it. I recommend taking full advantage while you can (at this rate, the next technology is probably not that far away…).

Here are five quick tips for using ChatGPT to write better SEO-focused posts faster.

1. Leverage ChatGPT for Keyword Suggestions

ChatGPT can provide a list of similar keywords to the ones you're targeting. For instance, if you're a local pizza shop owner in New York City, you can ask ChatGPT for related keywords to "local pizza in New York City.”

Why it's effective for SEO: This method helps diversify your keywords and potentially unlock new segments of your target audience.

Example ChatGPT prompt: "Generate a list of keywords related to 'local pizza in New York City.’"

2. Create SEO-focused Content with ChatGPT

Once you have your keywords, you can ask ChatGPT to create content based on them. However, remember to put your own spin on the content to avoid potential inaccuracies and plagiarism.

Why it's effective for SEO: This approach can help you generate fresh content ideas and keep your content strategy dynamic and responsive.

Example ChatGPT prompt: "Write a blog post about the best local pizza places in New York City, using a friendly and casual tone. Use the following keywords throughout the article to have a roughly 2% keyword density for the top keywords."

3. Build a Keyword List Centered Around Search Intent

ChatGPT can also help you build a keyword list focused on specific search intent (meaning they are looking for specific information and not general inquiries), which is what customers look for when they land on your website or product.

Why it's effective for SEO: Focusing on search intent helps ensure your content aligns with what your audience seeks, leading to higher engagement and search rankings.

Example ChatGPT prompt: "What are some search intent keywords for customers looking for a local pizza shop in New York City?"

4. Generate Compelling Meta Titles and Descriptions

You can use ChatGPT to generate ideas for meta titles and descriptions. However, make sure to add your own touch and include any specific keywords you want to target.

Why it's effective for SEO: Well-crafted meta titles and descriptions can significantly boost your click-through rate (CTR) from search engine results pages (SERPs).

Example ChatGPT prompt: "Generate meta title and description ideas for a web page about local pizza shops in New York City. Give me five examples of different titles and make the meta description 170 characters long." (Note: Whenever you ask ChatGPT to do something character (or word) limited, make it about 10% higher. Meta descriptions have a limit of 160 characters, so asking for 170 characters will get you a bit less than 160.)

5. Create FAQs using ChatGPT

ChatGPT can help you generate a list of frequently asked questions about your product or service. You can create a comprehensive FAQ section by pairing it with some basic SERP FAQ research and tools like AnswerThePublic.

Why it's effective for SEO: A robust FAQ section can help you rank for relevant question-based searches, enhance user experience, and potentially increase your site's dwell time.

Example ChatGPT prompt: "Write me some frequently asked questions about local pizza shops in New York City. Give me the name, address, and directions from the nearest subway station. Include any unique features that make it stand out from other pizza places."

Bonus Tip: Do what I do…

  1. Get ChatGPT or ZimmWriter to write your post with some keywords added in from the beginning (use Surfer or Neuron to get all your keywords).

  2. Go through and manually make adjustments and add in keywords.

  3. Take any individual paragraphs that are lacking keywords and put them back into ChatGPT and have it rewrite the paragraph to include more keywords.

  4. Repeat until your Surfer score is above 90 or your Neuron score is above 70.

  5. Read through your post and make sure your work makes sense (very important).

ChatGPT Is Not Taking Over SEO — It’s Enhancing It

Remember, the key to effectively using AI in SEO is leveraging the AI's capabilities and applying your expertise and creativity. AI is a powerful tool, but it's just that – a tool. It's there to assist you, not replace you. So, go ahead and start integrating ChatGPT into your SEO strategy today!

Keep exploring, and keep innovating!

I hope you found today’s newsletter informative and helpful. Stay tuned next week for more tips and tricks on how to succeed in the world of SEO.

At, we’re striving to bring you any and all information that will help you level up your SEO.

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See you next week, and keep striving to become an SEOpreneur!